Monday 26 October 2015

What is the Need for Software Performance Tests?

If you are a software developer, you will be well aware of the fact that you can’t deliver a full proof and good software to your customers without the involvement of software testing procedure. The success of a particular software is hugely dependent on the various software testing procedures which helps in development of a better software by rectification of the glitches that are detected during the software testing procedure.
Performance testing is one of the major parts of the whole software testing procedure which is to be implemented during the software development life cycle. In performance testing, the software is checked for the various flaws that may affect the performance of the software and hence cause problems when the customers are going to use it.
Performance testing complies of a number of various testing procedures which checks the performance of the whole software as well as the different small parts of the software which are integrated together to make the whole software. Performance tests are also performed to check how the software is reacting in case of normal conditions as well as when excess load is applied to the system or during other unfavorable conditions that may crop up during real time use of the software. Performance testing also helps in checking how the software will react during the unfavorable conditions. It provides the testers with a detailed report of the various results that are produced by the tests so that these results can be utilized for producing a better software by mending the flaws which may appear during the various software tests.
Today’s world is solely depended on speed and people have a lack of time. So they want applications which load fast and produce faster results under any and every circumstances. Performance testing ensures that the software under test performs with the desired speed under the various loads that may be applied on it in the real world. It also helps in testing whether the software produces the desired effect under pressurized conditions or not. Another main reason to perform the software testing is to see whether the software can spring back to its original self or not even after it has been malfunctioning or has hung up.
As the results of performance testing of the software will solely depend on the product being tested, hence you have to take the build up of the software as well as the desired effects that it is to produce while planning the various test procedure of the software so that you get the best possible results of the testing procedure which will be precise and accurate. You further development of the software will depend on these test results. You also have to maintain a log of all the reports so that you can keep a track of the mistakes that occur multiple time hence you will be able to pay special attention to rectify them. You also need to check the performance of the various elements of the software as well as the whole package.

Now that you have a fair idea of all the benefits of performance testing of a software and its need in the success of the software in real world, we hope you will be introducing the tests as early as possible in the development life cycle of your software in order to ensure that quality product is being delivered to your customers so that they are fully satisfied with your product and recommend it to other people which in turn will ensure the popularity of the same.

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